Saturday, June 2, 2012


Week 5 Report 
(27-2 June 2012) 

My routine for most of this week is lunch time, went to DATCC to watch the final hour of the round and after called it a day at office, quickly rush to DATCC to catch the final hour of the round or perhaps few games of casual/blitz chess. Quite happy with my play since I am thinking of plan to achieve instead of move to make.

 Bought two chess books this week (must be influence by Peter Long’s advice on studying tactic) Nunn’s Understanding Chess: Move by Move and Dvoretsky’s Secrets of Chess Tactics. Well, at this rate of buying chess books (compare with finishing it, I think chances of me being a chess librarian is greater than being a chess grandmaster!)

Saprin mentioned about book that refuted My System titled Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy by John Watson…I know Mok got this book (for sale). I am split here…should I get it or shouldn’t i. Since I have not yet finished My System, I am afraid this book will be too advanced for me. By the way on Understanding Chess’ introduction, John Nunn did mention on how Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy had influence him…Help!

 A bit changes on Weekly Report. I will no longer put my plan for the week. Lazy is one thing but I don’t want to be tied up with my plan, so I guess no plan will gave me more freedom to do (or not to do :))anything that suit my mood…whatever, Ilham.

Ah yes, Anand won World Chess Championship again. I have the opportunity to follow the game live at DATCC with Live free commentary from IM Mok (Thanks Mok)! Mok can be seen concluding his animated analysis with “…drawlah. Don’t know why they still playing…Cannot do anything already”…Najib who seated next to Mok can be seen deep in thought trying to digest Mok’s commentary.

A few people asked me whether I will be able to join their team at Kasugi’s. Thanks, but I have already got my own team.

I am unable to take part in Lim Chong’s Memorial today since I am away on family trip.

Week 5 Report 

Finished Chess Strategy: Chapter 4: Material Advantage
Chess Fundamentals: Chapter 3 : Planning a Win in Middlegame play.

I did not finished My System: Chapter 2

Finished R vs 2 pawns (UCE and FCE)

Image from


  1. Hi Ilham,

    Your quest towards a GM title is indeed inspiring. Just wanted to throw in 2 cents worth of sharing since everyone is caught up in supporting your quest. I recently chanced upon this blog:

    It is by a couple Australian junior players. I particularly like the postings by Ikeda Junta. He shows uncompromising determination reflecting how badly he wants to win in pretty much every position. (He tried to win R+N vs R, and R+2N vs Q (until he lost on time)). He shares a lot of his thought process and emotions during the game, something which I think is very insightful for an average player striving towards an expert level.

    Good luck in your future endeavors.

  2. Hi bro,

    Aku dah ada dua dua buku tu sebelum ni - My System - Aron Nimzowitch ( beli tahun 1994) dan jugak Secret of Modern Chess Strategy (SOMCS) by John Watson beli tahun 2003 .

    In my opinion, better ko habis paham My System dulu sebelum ko baca SOMCS. Ini kerana Aron Nimzo telah wujudkan prinsip-prinsip catur yang useful mcm ...prophylaxis, overprotection , blockade, past pawn are crime , restriction ..etc.etc, tapi John Watson dalam SOMCS cuba utk tunjukkan dengan contemparary games that idea-idea Nimzowitch sometimes ada flaw.

    Walaupun JOhn Watson berjaya buktikan tapi aku still rasa prinsip2 Nimzowitch still bagus untuk chess understanding.

    In my opinion it good to read SOMCS just to know that Prinsip Nimzowitch tu bukanlah boleh diikut membuta tuli.

    Pengalaman aku baca kedua-dua buku ialah kadang-kadang SOMCS tu buat ko lebih confuse.


  3. Ilham,

    In my humble opinion it is better to understand the foundations of Nimzowitsch first before attempting to go into SOMCS. There is a long-standing debate on whether John Watson is correct into overthrowing the tenets of chess strategy simply because modern chess is succeeding to go against the very principles Nimzowitsch suggested.

    My take is that Nimzo founded these principles when no computers were around to take the game deeper. Based on human calculation, these principles are mainly heuristics, a guide for the human chess player to rely on when pure calculation alone cannot give answers to the secrets of each position. When you know how the principles are derived, you have a much better understanding how Watson can claim the opposite is true (mainly through the help of computer analysis). A Knight on the rim will still need to take effect in the Knight during the final blows for it to work. So nothing is wrong or superseded.
